Lyon : Molotov Cocktail Attack Against the Tête d’Or Municipal Police Station

By an incendiary moon, the night of November 11th. While others honor pointless deaths, while others are lounging peacefully in their sleep and false certainties, while most confine themselves to helplessness and fear, we light wicks. Some Molotovs inadvertently landed on the Tete d’Or police station. As the municipality
is armed and hosts the rest of the military, they must know that when they darken our lives, their walls will lose some of their luster.

Thoughts and courage to the six comrades from Lyon in their fight against the law.*

Commando Salameche

*Refers to the 6 antifascists arrested on November 13th for an action against local fascists Bastion Social. All of them have come under judicial supervision after being held in police custody.


[Translated by : 325]

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