Paris : Gasoline Price Increases? We Will Use Fire Starters!

It seems that this Autumn, the fashion is neon yellow. It seems to be doing pretty well with blue-white-red. It seems that it is absolutely necessary to be there, to participate, to contribute; because there are people in the street, without leaders and breaking things. It seems that if we don’t go there then we must stay in front of the internet.

We don’t care.

The barricades on the Champs-Élysées don’t hide the confusion. The breakage cannot replace anti-authoritarian ideas. We were on the streets in 2016, and we will be there again, but not to defend the old world and its cars.

And we think that many other possibilities exist, you just have to look for them.

In the early morning of November 27th, a car belonging to the technical service of the Police Prefecture was torched in front of the police station on Camille Desmoulins street (the same one that lost their windows four years ago). The Enedis car parked opposite that station was torched too. Enedis, along with its subsidiary Gepsa, is making money from prisons. For example, they manage the jail in Meaux where Kréme is imprisoned (we send you a big hug comrade!).

Solidarity also with imprisoned anarchists around the world; those of Operation Scripta Manet in Italy, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece and the comrades recently arrested in Argentina.

Gasoline price increases? We will use fire starters.

Stuart, Kevin and Bob, December 1, 2018.


[Translated by Anarchists World wide via Act for freedom now]

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