Clermont-Ferrand : Attack on the municipal police station

Toc toc toc ! Hammer : 1 / Police : 0

In the night of June 27 to 28, the glass doors of the municipal police station in Clermont-Ferrand (located place de la Posterne next to the town hall) were smashed with hammers.

This particular building is the headquarters of the supervision of CCTV cameras in the city, cameras whose number has continued to grow since their introduction in 2012. The next area targeted is that of the railway station, at the end of 2016. The proliferation of these devices of control testify to the disgusting (though logical) willingness of power to strengthen its grip on the streets, through intimidation and repression.

Striking at that location, right in the heart of Clermont, is a jubilant snub in the face of that shit: your cameras are quite surpassable when faced with a little imagination and determination.

It is also a way to welcome and support the great offensive of this weekend against the central police station (

And it’s a supportive embrace to those who, day or night, individually or collectively, in Clermont as elsewhere, sharpen their revolt and go on the attack, not against a law or for a job, but to breathe a little more freely for a few moments.

Rage Ruse Révolte

[Translated by Act for freedom now!]

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