Chartres-de-Bretagne : Fire at a municipal technical services building (7/5/2014)

ouest-france / 7/05/2014

L'incendie a totalement détruit un tracteur acheté tout récemment pour l'entretien des espaces verts.

Last nigh in the area of Chartres-de-Bretagne, south of Rennes, a fire destroyed a municipal building which is used by its technical services. A tractor was destroyed. The fire broke out a little after midnight, at a 300m2 building, used by the municipal technical services. Despite the intervention from firefighters that came from Charttres and Bruz, the damages were significant.

In the morning the building had signs of the fire. Although the roof held out, the interior was completely burnt. A tractor was destroyed that was bought 2 years ago, as well as a moving scene used for festivities.

The case of arson has not been excluded. The mayor filed a complaint and the police has started an investigation.

[Translation : Inter Arma]

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