Archives de catégorie : English

Scherwiller : How much is that, five buses and one truck?

19.8.19, It was 1:36 in the morning when firefighters were called out to the Volvo heavy goods vehicle garage of Scherwiller (Bas-Rhin). A fire had destroyed four buses inside. In spreading, it also damaged a fifth one, now unusable, as … Continuer la lecture

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Nantes : Attack on Eiffage Prison Construction Vehicle

On the night of Sunday to Monday, August 26, an “Eiffage construction” car was burned at 17 rue Marzelle de grillaud in Nantes. Eiffage is the construction giant who builds all kinds of jails and who also participates in the … Continuer la lecture

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Ivry-sur-Seine: Arson Attack Against an Enedis Car

On the night of August 12-13, an Enedis car was set on fire in Ivry (Maurice Thorez avenue). We wanted to put a small spanner in the works of the EDF nuclear power empire. We wanted to send a message … Continuer la lecture

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Paris : Behind their walls

Indymedia Nantes / samedi 10 août 2019 Letter from one of the three defendants incarcerated in the Paris region following a police check on the night of May 1st. To write to him:

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Behind their walls

Saint-Étienne-de-Boulogne : Antispeciesist Spasm

Attack Against Hunting July 25, 02h45: a glowing crescent smiles at me among the stars. In front of the Ardèche hunting training center, a luminous panel displays 23 °. I make my way towards the building, passing the painted wooden … Continuer la lecture

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Albi: A note about a fire

In a light night rain yellowed by the city lights, a glass building, offices lit up. Some individuals enter an enclosed area. The parking. With a series of tense steps striving to be fast, they burn a good number of … Continuer la lecture

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Besançon: Full moon… and uproar

Full moon, beginning of April. In the Battant neighbourhood. Some werewolves went out to maul domination, which is expanding in all corners. Up in rue de la Madeleine, the windows of the offices of SAIMB, an estate agency whose director … Continuer la lecture

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Burning Equipment and Reflections Against Those Who Make Use of It

We still remember skimming the assemblies, the furious streets, the blockades, the occupied squares. We remember diving into the posters, the leaflets, and the journals [1]. We were open in our words and encounters, avid and impatient to have it … Continuer la lecture

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Paris: Arson Attack Against Prison Profiteers Eiffage

On the night of June 26th-27th, a van from Eiffage was torched on rue des Grands Champs in Paris. Against prison, against this world which is a huge prison. Fire to those who build walls. In solidarity with the prisoners … Continuer la lecture

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Folles: Sabotage on a railway linked to a nuclear waste plant

In the night of 4th June, an electricity cabin containing the railway signal control was set on fire along the railway leading to Orano’s infrastructures (Orano, ex-Areva, is a French nuclear power giant) in Bessines. What’s at the end of … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Folles: Sabotage on a railway linked to a nuclear waste plant

Paris : Solidarity with the anarchists on hunger strike in Italy

Friday June 21 June, we went to upset Eataly, gastronomic window of Italian folklore in the posh centre of Paris. We blocked the entrances with banners (“Fire to the prisons and the courts” and “Solidarity with the anarchists on hunger … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Solidarity with the anarchists on hunger strike in Italy

Paris: Smoke signals

When we attack one of the aspects of this world it is above all for ourselves. To take back a little of this life that is stolen from us every day. But that’s not all. On our side we also … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: Smoke signals

Police Ambushed in Goussainville

On May 14, a trap set by a band of about twenty people with masked faces, and wearing hoods. That’s what was waiting for the police on rue Malcom-X, in Goussainville, on the night of Monday to Tuesday, around 2 … Continuer la lecture

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Paris : Diplomatic Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in France

Without waiting for the masses, without waiting for ritual rendezvous, without waiting for any movement or specific struggle. What drives us is our individual asocial tension. We are aware that we are only small thorns in the foot of power. … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Diplomatic Vehicle Torched in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in France

Lyon : May Day Action Against the Border Police

The PAF is the border militia: an army of cops that systematizes racist arrests. On the border roads, at the stations, the PAF only targets racialized people in the hope of finding those who are undocumented. We think it is … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Lyon : May Day Action Against the Border Police

Paris: Three Postal Vehicles Torched

On the night of Monday 22nd to Tuesday, April 23rd, three vans of the Post Office were torched on rue e la Chine in Paris. The role of the Post Office in this society, at the intersection of the public … Continuer la lecture

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Lyon, France – Living without arrogance. Simply living. And struggling with all the weapons required

Guillotière [poor neighbourhood located in the centre of Lyon] asleep, paralysed by fear and docile in the face of threats. Police, vigilantes and Sicuritas and other patrols continue. Headlights come and go in a dance of anguish. Seizing the moment, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Lyon, France – Living without arrogance. Simply living. And struggling with all the weapons required

Grenoble : One JCDecaux van less!

Fire to a van of JCDecaux [big French company specializing in public advertisement and urban’ furnishing’ (benches, ‘free’ service bicycles – repaired by prisoners – etc.); also operating in Italy under the name of IGPDecaux (those who can hear…)] in … Continuer la lecture

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Paris : Orange like flames

On the night of April 10th to 11th, we torched an Orange company car on Rue Planchat in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. Mobile phones, relay antennas, electromagnetic waves, permanently connected, controlling our lives, more and more virtual lives lived … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Orange like flames

Ad Nihilo : A new anarchist website in French language

Ad Nihilo is an instrument for the spreading of anarchist texts of marginal tendencies within the anarchist movement. Nihilist, anticivilization, antinatalist, antispecist, queer and individualist, these are the tendencies to which we’ll give voice in this blog under construction.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Ad Nihilo : A new anarchist website in French language