Archives de catégorie : English

Besançon: Smash your city and its promoters!

In Besançon like anywhere else, cities are in constant transformation. They’ve never been (and they’re not) neutral places, but are modelled in the image and likeness of the State and capital. They resemble more and more commercial hubs and open … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon: Smash your city and its promoters!

Paris: Spreading RAGE

S. has been in prison for a year. He is acccused of setting fire to several gendarmerie vehicles in Limoges on September 18th, 2017, during the Quai de Valmy / Burnt Cop Car trial. We are among those who do … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: Spreading RAGE

Montpellier : The Gueux celebrate Karnaval despite bans and cops

Europe 1 / Wednesday 6 March 2019 Some 400 people, according to the police, participated on Tuesday evening in Montpellier, despite a prefectural ban, in the “Karnaval of Gueux “, anarcho-libertarian nocturnal wandering. Seven people were arrested, police said. Unlike … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Montpellier : The Gueux celebrate Karnaval despite bans and cops

Marseille : Sabotage of electric scooters

This last week we sabotaged 7 electric scooters Lime-S in Marseille, because they are really annoying there, sliding softly through the town that is turning into a giant building site. Against the gentrification of our living spaces, and hoping it … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Marseille : Sabotage of electric scooters

Besançon : Didn’t you hear?

boom in the night between Friday and Saturday 26. It’s past 2h. 1, 2 then 3 explosions in the middle of the night, at the hour when the good workers drown their weeks of exploitation in the bars and clubs … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Didn’t you hear?

Grenoble : Photo of bug found in squat

After a raid in August 2018, officially motivated by a search for ‘drugs’, the people who live in the Awanhee squat in Grenoble found a bug in the common room. In fact, a few days after the raid a bug … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Grenoble : Photo of bug found in squat

Grenoble: The only church that…

It pleases us very much that we are seeing many symbols of the State and capitalism being attacked lately, that rage turns into action. Even if their motives sometimes contradict our own ideas, we know that we don’t have allies … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Grenoble: The only church that…

Paris : Anti-Fascists Attack Génération Identitaire Office

Anti-fascists attacked the office of the fascist group Génération Identitaire in Paris. This Saturday January 12, identitarians plan to demonstrate under the name “Paris Pride.” Ahead of the rally, anti-fascists smashed windows and sprayed graffiti on the walls of the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Anti-Fascists Attack Génération Identitaire Office

France : The last prisoner of the Quai Valmy case will soon be released on bail

The request for release on bail concerning the last person in prison for the Quai de Valmy case was definitively rejected by the Chamber of sentence enforcement, appeal jurisdiction of sentence enforcement Judge (JAP). He will remain locked up in … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur France : The last prisoner of the Quai Valmy case will soon be released on bail

Besançon : Some flames in the darkness

Post-Riot, Saturday, January 5th, 2019 Cars, they burn every night. It is rare that cars belonging to the ones who make this world of control and exploitation work are targeted. And to make them go up in smoke requires a … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Some flames in the darkness

Saint-Etienne : It has some style this job when it goes up in smoke!

The following poem that originally appeared on Nantes Indymedia is a responsibility claim for an arson attack that took place on December 31st, 2018 against a mega-mall construction site… Festive season. The crowd flows along the urban arteries. The commodity … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Etienne : It has some style this job when it goes up in smoke!

Foix : Sometimes, in the night

ACAB After Grenoble, Crest, Limoges, Paris, Besançon… Foix. In the night of 6th December, three ENEDIS sites were set on fire [ENEDIS is a branch of Electricité de France, responsible for the national electricity network]. In solitude, we listen to … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Foix : Sometimes, in the night

Toulouse : In the face of repression, immediate response!

In the night between 26th and 27th November stones were thrown at the central police station in Toulouse; there are still signs of the impact on the windows of the ground floor. In support of all the people putting up … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Toulouse : In the face of repression, immediate response!

Paris : An Attack for Black December

«You are waiting for the revolution? Let it be! My own began a long time ago! When you are ready (god, what an endless wait!) I won’t mind going with you for a while. But when you stop, I shall … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : An Attack for Black December

Paris : Gasoline Price Increases? We Will Use Fire Starters!

It seems that this Autumn, the fashion is neon yellow. It seems to be doing pretty well with blue-white-red. It seems that it is absolutely necessary to be there, to participate, to contribute; because there are people in the street, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Gasoline Price Increases? We Will Use Fire Starters!

Besançon : Two vehicles of the town hall burned – 22 November 2018

Two vehicles of the town hall burned in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, November 22 in Besançon. On Thursday, a friend who lives in Avenue de la Vaitte noticed a big black mark on the asphalt, precisely at the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Two vehicles of the town hall burned – 22 November 2018

Boulogne-sur-Mer : We need a boat … no sooner said than done

Twelve migrants managed to reach the English coast, where they were arrested, by crossing the Channel on a fishing boat stolen in the port of Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais) Monday night. This is an “unprecedented mode of operation” according to the maritime … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Boulogne-sur-Mer : We need a boat … no sooner said than done

Boyaval : Stop specism, stop hunting

Acts of vandalism have affected several facilities in the town, such as an observation tower or a corbeautière, which can be used by hunters and some of which are also useful to the agricultural world. An observation tower of four … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Boyaval : Stop specism, stop hunting

Villeparisis : Fire to the Network

On the night of November 11th to the 12th, in the vicinity of Villeparisis, we torched an Orange / SNCF relay antenna. While on this day, the armistice was ceremoniously celebrated, we wanted to make a contribution to the only … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Villeparisis : Fire to the Network

Paris : Diplomatic Vehicle Torched

On Sunday the 11th of November, today’s greatest slaughterers commemorated the first world war’s butchery (and they prepared for future carnage). We continue to carry the old slogan of the anarchists from that era: against their war, against their peace, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Diplomatic Vehicle Torched