Archives de catégorie : English

Peaugres (Ardèche) : Cages that we call liberty.

A thought for all people, whether they are locked in cages or not, who would like to see them destroyed, aware that these are not only material. In our thoughts are also all living creatures that animate our desires to … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Peaugres (Ardèche) : Cages that we call liberty.

Marsanne (Drôme) : Attack on wind turbines

In the first night of June, commune of Marsanne, Drôme, two industrial wind turbines are attacked by fire, the outer nacelle of one of them is entirely consumed by the flames. We proceeded as follows: approach to the site breaking … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Marsanne (Drôme) : Attack on wind turbines

Request for release of anarchist Kreme imprisoned following a fire on a police car has been rejected

On 21st June the last person imprisoned following the Quai de Valmy case appeared before a sentencing-execution judge regarding a request for reduction of the sentence. This person has been held for almost a year and a half and the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Request for release of anarchist Kreme imprisoned following a fire on a police car has been rejected

Besançon : Beautiful like State structures going up in smoke …

« The night of 17 and 18 July 2018 was flaming in Besançon », title . In fact, two State structures lost a total of a dozen vehicles in the flames. In La City, five vehicles of the Communauté d’Agglomération du Grand … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Beautiful like State structures going up in smoke …

Saint-Jean-du-Gard : Fire to a relay antenna

Saint-Jean-du-Gard, France : Fire to a relay antenna a few hours before the final of the football world cup “Will the inhabitants of the municipality of Saint-Jean-du-Gard be able to watch the final of the football world cup on Sunday? … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Jean-du-Gard : Fire to a relay antenna

Roybon : Some blows to the militia of the “Center Park » project

Physical aggression in the town of Roybon Since the beginning of the occupation of Avenières wood in December 2014, several attacks on the occupants have taken place: Blockages of access roads Fires of barricades, living places, buildings, vehicles, forest Physical … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Roybon : Some blows to the militia of the “Center Park » project

Paris : Four Staff Vehicles Torched Outside Fresnes Prison

21.06.18: Four vehicles were destroyed or damaged by arson during the night from Wednesday to Thursday in the staff car park at Fresnes Prison (Val-de-Marne), it has been learned from reliable sources. According to initial investigations, «the incendiary device was … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris : Four Staff Vehicles Torched Outside Fresnes Prison

Vantoux : Orange relay antenna set on fire

On May 16, the relay antenna of Vantoux was burned in the afternoon, disrupting communications of the Orange operator, especially those from laptops. The inhabitants of Vantoux, Nouilly and Vallières-les-Bordes were particularly affected. The operator has announced that it has … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Vantoux : Orange relay antenna set on fire

Lisieux : Sabotage against the project to extend the commercial zone

On the night of May 17 to 18, 2018, two excavators were vandalized on an Eiffage construction site, Hauts de Glos area, at the Lisieux (Calvados) exit. The cabin of one excavator was crushed with the shovel of the other. … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Lisieux : Sabotage against the project to extend the commercial zone

Bellecombe-en-Bauges (Savoy) : Flashes of fire, incendiary attack on a Vicat quarry

The city is advancing, the forest is retreating. And, caught in the middle, we often feel vulnerable, unable to stem anything. The cement that oozes from all the pores of society deprives us of life, sensations and substance. Forests run … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Bellecombe-en-Bauges (Savoy) : Flashes of fire, incendiary attack on a Vicat quarry

Nanterre : Flash sackage of the RER [Regional Express Network] station – May 11

Stations, these places where the human flux that keeps the economy going perfectly represent this world of exploitation and profit, of control and cops, where everything undesirable for the frenetic march of capitalism is harassed, persecuted … On the night … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nanterre : Flash sackage of the RER [Regional Express Network] station – May 11

Poitiers: Construction Machine Torched in Solidarity with the ZAD

Action to support the ZAD: a construction machine, parked as part of the redevelopment of the city center of Poitiers, was torched during the night from Sunday to Monday. A graffiti slogan was left nearby reading: «Burn the imperial machine! … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Poitiers: Construction Machine Torched in Solidarity with the ZAD

Paris: A little contribution to disorder

We really enjoyed ourselves on 1st May, and so we wanted to try to prolong the impulse of revolt with our small instruments. According to us the moments of collective revolt don’t compete with other practices, such as direct action … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: A little contribution to disorder

Grenoble: Fascinating and miserable

In the night of Monday 16th April, 3 estate agencies, an Apple store and the offices of a construction and public works firm were vandalized in the centre of the city of Grenoble. For rebel individuals destruction and devastation have … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Grenoble: Fascinating and miserable

Nantes: Engie to ashes

direct action against the metropolis, the expellers and their capitalism During the night of Saturday, April 14 to Sunday, in Nantes on Boulevard Pasteur in the Zola district, I burned a truck of Engie Axima. Engie Axima, among other hazards, … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nantes: Engie to ashes

Nantes: Igniting excavators

On the night of Sunday to Monday, two excavators tried to end their days, here is their release: – disgusted with serving the projects of the Nantes metropolis, serving as showcase to attract entrepreneurs and young workers by getting rid … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nantes: Igniting excavators

Nantes – ZAD : The occupation continues, actions too !!

In solidarity with the pyromaniacs of all the world, the road ignites. This morning, on a (big) roundabout, pallets caught fire, causing a suspicious slowdown on the four lanes of Nantes Océane: First warning before the big boom !! The … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nantes – ZAD : The occupation continues, actions too !!

Nantes: Resistance and sabotage, season 2018

We, the friendly Dear Greens, have attacked tow trucks of a company collaborating in the evictions of the NDDL zad. In future they will think twice about it. On April 9, 2018, the State began its attempt to crush the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nantes: Resistance and sabotage, season 2018

Besançon: Gluing for the hedgerow

A little gluing to start the week It is bubbling all over the area, especially in the facs and Notre-Dame des Landes … The situation in ZAD made us boil over. As a result, some real estate agencies in the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon: Gluing for the hedgerow

Les Lilas : Solidarity with a ZAD from department 93

The arrogance of power that is attacking the ZAD makes us wild. We have had enough of symbolic protests. So, on the night of 12 to 13 April, we set fire to a car with the plaque of a foreign … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Les Lilas : Solidarity with a ZAD from department 93