Archives de catégorie : English

Montreuil: Smoke signals of solidarity

August 22. Last night we wanted to send a message of solidarity to Boris, a fellow anarchist who is in a coma because of a fire in his cell in the Nancy-Maxèville prison.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Montreuil: Smoke signals of solidarity

Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe: Telephone, TV and internet are just a few wires away

Le Républicain Lorrain / Thursday 13 August 2021 On 30 July last, in Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe, 123 homes were left without telephone, TV and internet following an act of vandalism on the village’s fibre optic cabinet.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe: Telephone, TV and internet are just a few wires away

Bure : Solidarity with Boris

Bure Bure Bure / vendredi 13 août 2021 A few days before the beginning of the Rayonnantes camp, we send all our solidarity to Boris, imprisoned in Nacy-Maxéville since september 2020.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Bure : Solidarity with Boris

Gap: About an attack on a vaccination centre

Gap. City centre. Night of the 1st to the 2nd of June 2021. Individuals break down a door at the back of a theatre converted into a vaccination centre. The door is easily broken open and they find themselves in … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Gap: About an attack on a vaccination centre

Paris: Molotov cocktails against the Cuban embassy

actuParis / Tuesday 27 July 2021 The Cuban embassy, located on rue du Presles in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, was the objective of several Molotov cocktails thrown at it during the night of Monday 26 to Tuesday July 27 … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: Molotov cocktails against the Cuban embassy

Grande-Synthe: Goodbye to the municipal workshops

La Voix du Nord / Wednesday 28 July 2021 There is nothing left of the municipal workshops of the town of Grande-Synthe after the fire that broke out on Wednesday night. All of the municipality’s maintenance equipment and around thirty … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Grande-Synthe: Goodbye to the municipal workshops

Nancy/Metz: Boris in coma

Our comrade Boris, in prison in Nancy-Maxéville since september 2020 for the arson of two relay antennas in the Jura during the lockdown, is currently in artificial coma at the burns unit of the hospital of Metz. The fire would … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nancy/Metz: Boris in coma

Paris: Enedis van on fire

Enemies of the authority feel more and more the need to attack the electricity distribution network, an indispensable part of this society.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: Enedis van on fire

Toulouse : Burning of a Tesla electric car, a Socorep vehicle and a Scopelec vehicle

We set fire to three vehicles during the night of June 16th to 17th, an electric car Tesla, a Socorep van and a Scopelec van with fire starters placed under the front wheels or on the rear wheel under the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Toulouse : Burning of a Tesla electric car, a Socorep vehicle and a Scopelec vehicle

Grenoble : Scopelec vehicle boom

During the night of 15 to 16 July, a Scopelec van was set on fire in the Eaux Clairs district of Grenoble.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Grenoble : Scopelec vehicle boom

Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) : Stars through the windows

Cuckoo! One morning, while going to water the plants on rue de la République in Villejuif, we noticed that during the night of 08/07 to 09/07, an Algeco Vinci [modular of the construction firm Vinci] had literally all of its … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Villejuif (Val-de-Marne) : Stars through the windows

Action in Caen

During the night, we vandalized the Socialist Party office (rue Paul Toutain) in Caen. We tagged their facade and embellished it with some rotten eggs (but less rotten than these politicians).

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Action in Caen

Fumay (Ardennes) : Fire at the bailiff’s office

L’Ardennais / Wednesday, July 7, 2021 It was about 5:30 this Wednesday morning when firefighters were mobilized to a violent fire at the Borgniet/Dupré bailiffs’ office in rue des Evignes.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Fumay (Ardennes) : Fire at the bailiff’s office

Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas (Gard): The hunters get more visits

Midi-Libre / Friday 9 July 2021 The members of the hunting society The Saint-Hubert once raised lookout posts, wooden watchtowers, in the forest of Boissonnade […]. In the spring, vandalism was committed against these installations as well as the hunting … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Julien-de-Peyrolas (Gard): The hunters get more visits

Ramonville-Saint-Agne: Turning off the civilized light

At the beginning of June, we attacked the Lespinet electrical substation (63kV) in Ramonville-Saint-Agne.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Ramonville-Saint-Agne: Turning off the civilized light

Crest and Eurre: Cable fires block TGV trains

France Bleu / Friday 25 June 2021 The high-speed line is out of service in Drôme because of several arsons over the night of Thursday, June 24 to Friday, June 25, around 3 am in Crest. Power, signal and fiber … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Crest and Eurre: Cable fires block TGV trains

Action in Caen (2)

June 2021: Last week, office of the Socialist Party vandalized in Caen Continuing this nice start, during the night we vandalized the office of the Les Républicains party (rue Varignon) in Caen. We tagged their facade and delivered some rotten … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Action in Caen (2)

Nancy/Besançon: Some information on the situation of Boris

On April 10, 2020 during the first confinement, fellow anarchist Boris set fire to two cell phone antennas of the four telecom operators in the Jura region, also hosting police and gendarmerie communications.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nancy/Besançon: Some information on the situation of Boris

Le François: Bad times for the blues

Le François (Martinique) : To commemorate the end of slavery, they attack the media, technology and centralized distribution of resources, which shackle us all FranceInfo / Sunday 23 May 2021 On the night of Saturday, May 22, around midnight, the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Le François: Bad times for the blues

On the night of… direct action against CIGEO

At the beginning of June, the trial for criminal association against 7 persons took place in Bar-le-Duc. A trial against the opponents of the nuclear waste burial project in Bure, in the Meuse department. For the State, the stakes are … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur On the night of… direct action against CIGEO