Saint-Bonnet-les-Oules (Loire) : Still nothing?! About…

Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer.

At the beginning of November, a few days after the attack, we learned from the press that one of the site’s two technical buildings, with a surface area of 400 m2, had been seriously damaged. The newspaper reassured its readership, hastening to add that the fire had not caused any network breakdowns. We’re puzzled by these allegations. We have long been aware of the media’s propensity for disinformation. Concealment and falsifications of the facts are the result of commercial, police and political dictates.

These days, silencing or minimizing the extent of sabotage on electrical infrastructures is in fashion. Unfortunately, we can’t factually contradict their claims, and we can’t set the record straight on the consequences of these acts, because they are unknown to us.

That night we placed incendiary devices on the cable bundles at the foot of the technical buildings, on a line running underground and on a pole outside the enclosure where the cables were changing from overhead to underground.

We were hoping to temporarily and simultaneously suspend SNF’s industrial plastic production activities, as well as the air traffic from Saint Etienne airport and the surrounding factories, further uglifying this despicable plain.

For the proliferation of direct action.

Love and Anarchy


Translated by Act for Freedom Now!

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