Lezay : Claim of responsability for explosion at cattle market

Bite Back / vendredi 14 mars 2014

A l'intérieur, les bureaux administratifs du foirail, l'informatique, la salle des cotations, ont été complètement ravagés. - A l'intérieur, les bureaux administratifs du foirail, l'informatique, la salle des cotations, ont été complètement ravagés. - (Photos cor. NR, Christian Magnain)





On the night of January 18, an explosion followed by a raging fire destroyed administrative offices and the electrical/computer systems at the cattle market in Lezay. According to news reports, the remains of a gas cylinder was found on site. (photos: laNouvelleRepublique.fr, France3.fr)

anonymous report:

« Weeks ago, we blew up the veal auction market in Lezay (France).
Every week, more than 1,500 veal calves and other animals are sold to be murdered in slaughterhouses.
‘The animals have no one but us. We will not fail them.’ Barry Horne
WE are justice for animals.
J.D. France »


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