Archives de catégorie : English

La Possession (Réunion): A Vinci crane set on fire

Clicanoo / 1 April 2015 We still do not know the cause of the fire that destroyed the GTOI crane at the construction site of the new coast road during the night from Sunday to Monday. An expert has been … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur La Possession (Réunion): A Vinci crane set on fire

Rennes: Solidarity from France against Operation Piñata

Indymedia Barcelona / 31th March 2015 Last night [March 30th] the Spanish Consulate in Rennes, France, was attacked with paint in solidarity with the detainees of Operation Piñata. “The terrorist is the state” “Fuck Piñata” and paint against the car … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Rennes: Solidarity from France against Operation Piñata

Brétigny (Essonne): the municipality police loses two cars

Le parisien / Sunday 8th March 2015 12 March 2015 arsonists attacked two silk-screened vehicles this Sunday at Brétigny (Essonne). Around 1.30 am, a criminal duo with their faces covered entered the compound of the municipal police building located in … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Brétigny (Essonne): the municipality police loses two cars

Lille : Paint attacks against gentrification

Indymedia Lille / 24th March 2015 On the night of 23th-24th [March] we attacked suddenly with paint the front of the Mayor’s office, the gendarmerie [military police], the formerly occupied Mangouste and the house of hip-hop. We chose these targets … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Lille : Paint attacks against gentrification

Besançon : Developers repainted against gentrification

Indymedia Nantes / 27th March 2015 Between Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th March 2015, the offices of the property developers SMCI – Pierre&Vie, located on Gambetta street, were stained with black paint. This is a small response to the disgusting … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Besançon : Developers repainted against gentrification

Loches (Indre-et-Loire) : Up yours, your work rehabilitation!

La nouvelle République / Sunday, February 22, 2015 FIRE STARTED AT LOCHES CHANTIER INSERTION* This morning around 4 o’clock, a fire whose origin is still unknown, engulfed several vehicles used by Orchis, a work integration project based in Loches. Half … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Loches (Indre-et-Loire) : Up yours, your work rehabilitation!

Montreuil : A van of concreters up in smoke

Indymedia Nantes / 3.03.2015 In the night of 1st-2nd March, on Saint-Mandé street in Montreuil, a van of Eiffage Construction went up in smoke. Eiffage is a company that builds prisons. Neither the vigipirate plan [1] nor the spring weather … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Montreuil : A van of concreters up in smoke

Belfort : A series of fires against the State

l’est républicain / 14 and 15 February 2015 Four cars were destroyed by fire on the night of Thursday to Friday, shortly before 1.30 am in rue Dufay, Belfort. At first glance, the fire would have started from a van … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Belfort : A series of fires against the State

Saint-Etienne : National Front offices vandalised

Grisou / 10/01/2015 The Loire region branch of the Front National (FN, French fascist party) made a complaint about its office being vandalised. The party nameplates were torn off and replaced with stickers saying “Racists out.” The FN branch had already … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Etienne : National Front offices vandalised

Saint Denis : Molotov thrown at police car

Le parisien / 5/01/2015 A police car was pelted with projectiles in Saint-Denis, on the night of Sunday to Monday. In Rue de Lorraine, in the district of Franc-Moisin, the car was targeted with a thrown incendiary device shortly before … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint Denis : Molotov thrown at police car

Bagnolet (Seine-Saint-Denis) : Two schools ransacked

Le parisien / 4/01/2015 The two primary schools in Bagnolet (Seine-Saint-Denis area, outside Paris) were seriously vandalised on Saturday night. On Saturday, around 7:20 p.m., firefighters responded to a fire in Paul Vaillant Couturier school. The blaze gutted the office. They put … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Bagnolet (Seine-Saint-Denis) : Two schools ransacked

Poitiers : God hates you

France 3 / 4/01/2015 The church of Our Lady was graffitied during the night. Someone wrote “God Hate u” (In English) on the door. [Translation : Rabble] [en français]

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Poitiers : God hates you

Sisteron : Construction equipment destroyed

La Provence / 2/01/2015 Four construction machines were completely destroyed by fire and another badly damaged last night in Sisteron. The machines were stationed in the car park of the Southern Alps rental company, which was  closed for Christmas and … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Sisteron : Construction equipment destroyed

Chaumes-en-Brie : National Front councillor’s car destroyed by flames

larepublique77 / 23/12/2014 There is nothing left of the car of Stéphane Bolatre, Chaumes-en-Brie alderman for the Front National. Stéphane Bolatre had the unpleasant surprise of discovering his car on fire on the night of Friday to Saturday. “My car … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Chaumes-en-Brie : National Front councillor’s car destroyed by flames

Saint-Maurice-de-Beynost (Ain) : Church windows smashed

Le progrès / 11/01/2015 On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the windows at the front of the church of Our Lady of Saint-Maurice-de-Beynost were destroyed with cobblestones thrown threw them. The damage was discovered late on Sunday morning by … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Saint-Maurice-de-Beynost (Ain) : Church windows smashed

Meilleray (Seine-et-Marne) : one less pylon! / 21/01/2015 On New Year’s Eve it was easy to imagine, in fact, that it was due to too many New Year SMS mailings. Yet they had to face the obvious next day as the connection was still not … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Meilleray (Seine-et-Marne) : one less pylon!

Agnetz (Oise) : Offices of hunting organization ransacked

Le parisien / 16/02/2015 The headquarters of the Federation of Hunters of Oise in Agnetz was vandalized during the night of February 15. Computers were damaged, windows broken, furniture overturned and anti-hunting slogans painted. The damage has been estimated at … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Agnetz (Oise) : Offices of hunting organization ransacked

Paris and surroundings: Actions in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists in Spain

Indy Nantes / 28/12/2014 Over the past few days, in Paris, Ivry, Kremlin-Bicêtre, Gentilly, 5 ATMs and a real estate agency were smashed with a sledgehammer, and three vehicles belonging to prison constructors and suppliers (Vinci, Sodexo, Onet) were torched. … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris and surroundings: Actions in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists in Spain

Paris/Les Lilas : The night is ours

Indymedia Nantes / 13/12/2014 During the night Thursday 11 – Friday 12 [December] we smashed the windows, plaques and digi-codes of the PS [socialist party] offices in rue Court-of-Noues (20th ar.) and rue July 14 juillet (Les Lilas). Let’s attack … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris/Les Lilas : The night is ours

Paris: A.N.A.B

Indymedia Nantes / 11/12/2014 On the night of December 4th, an EDF-GDF car was set on fire on the rue de l’Atlas in the 19th arrondissement. All Nucleocrats Are Bastards. A thought for Nikos Romanos, in struggle for his life.* … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: A.N.A.B