Poitiers : Police car on fire

France Bleu Poitou, Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 16:04

A police car was set on fire on Tuesday afternoon in the neighbourhood of Couronneries in Poitiers. A police patrol was responding to a call in the Couronneries district in Poitiers on Tuesday afternoon around 15h when their car, parked outside, was set on fire. The windows exploded, which did not go unnoticed in the neighbourhood.

This was a voluntary act. A group of people was seen around the vehicle but no one was arrested*. Luckily there were no injuries and no other cars were affected. An investigation has been opened.

[Translated by Act for Freedom Now]


NdAtt: Three minors and a man 18 years-old were arrested four days after this incendiary attack.

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