Fresnes prison : A letter from anarchist Roberto Cropo

Fresnes, 13 June, porco dio [Fucking hell!]!

Hey, hello, here I am in my new room, screw them…
So, I’m in Paris because they want to extradite me to Italy, I’m not sure what they want to pin on me but I know more or less that there is terrorism, criminal association, theft, arson and I don’t know what else still. […]

Let’s start at the beginning.
Friday morning, 6am, howling noises next to my truck, I hardly open the door and I find myself with twenty hooded armed cops threatening me, telling me not to move and that they could kill the dog. They get me out of the truck still in pyjamas and barefoot, put me on the ground in the rain and handcuff me. They take the dog to take it to the pound. Then they take me to the police station in Sainté, just after Carnot, where they put me in custody. And there I hear some yelling. After various administrative formalities, off in direction Paris. Five cars came from Paris just for me, on orders of the public prosecutor in Rome. Arrived in Paris, police custody, and this morning I was at court.

I should point out that I was handcuffed from the Sainté to Paris and the first 200 km with my hands behind my back – I can’t tell you how much that hurt – and blindfolded.
I protested and they ended up removing the blindfold and putting the handcuffs on me in front.

This morning at court they decided whether to free me, extradite me, or detain me, while waiting to appear… And the judge transferred me here.
I had a duty clerk and here I am in the closet. And I really don’t want to be extradited to Italy!
After the court they put me in jail. The usual practices on entering and they put me in arrivals, I am alone in cell for medical isolation due to the Covid epidemic, for 14 days. I have been here too short a time to understand how things work…
Circulate the prison address, that way those who want to can write to me.
Otherwise, moral is good, it gets on my nerves to be here but I stay in form and it’s sure this is not going to knock me down even if, porco dio, we are better outside!
I miss my much loved freedom.


According to the latest news, Roberto has finally accepted the extradition and will have the answer following his hearing, next July 8

The address for writing to Roberto and for the other arrested comrades:

Roberto Cropo
N° d’écrou : 1010197
Centre pénitentiaire de Fresnes
1, allée des Thuyas
94261 – Fresnes Cedex France
Nico Aurigemma
Casa Circondariale di Terni
Strada delle Campore, 32
05100 – Terni Italy
Claudio Zaccone
CC di Siracusa
Strada Monasteri, 20
Contrada Cavadonna
96014 – Siracusa Italy
Flavia Di Giannantonio
C.C di Roma Rebibbia
Via Bartolo Longo, 72
00156 – Roma Italy
Francesca Cerrone
C.P. de Almeria-El Acebuche
Ctra. Cuevas-Ubeda, km 2,5
04030 – Almería Spain


[Translated by Act for freedom now!]

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