Toulouse: Yellow fever against this world

The health dictatorship on the march hasn’t succeeded in destroying the yellow fever virus that inhabits our bodies.

In the night between 19th and 20th May [2020], we smashed the windows of the LCL bank, in avenue Jean Rieux, Toulouse.

A war is raging, that’s true. But it is not a question of that against a virus, but rather that waged by the top of society against the base. The current economic crisis is not due to Covid-19, but to liberal politics, which has being going on for years. And if we don’t want to go through the consequences of the 2008 crisis, when populations such as the Greek and the American ones were bled dry, we will have to find the ability to resist in this abominable war.


Italian translator’s note: The «dictatorship on the march» is a reference to the name of the president’s party, La République en marche, while war refers to Macron’s speech on 16th February, when he ordered confinement as a measure of «war against the epidemic»; finally the mention of yellow fever (and perhaps also the signature, which on was «those who feel nostalgic for johnny», meaning Johnny Halliday, a popular French pop singer) obviously recalls the Yellow vests movement, very strong in Toulouse.


[Translated by Act for freedom now! (the title was edited)]

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