Besançon : School of commerce solidarity attack and tags on the “En Marche” premises

Blows of avenging hammers

In the night of Monday to Tuesday, we destroyed several windows of the business school, located just a few steps away from the chamber of commerce, industry and tourism

This small attack on a facet of this world of exploitation and submission is a wink to those accused of the burning of the police car in quai de Valmy, in particular to Kara and Krem. Meanwhile, it has been learned that the two comrades remain in jail. We will therefore continue to attack domination and not watch justice do its work in silence.

For a world without cash or cops!

NdSAD: it seems that this attack was mentioned in articles in the local press on the degradation aimed at the parliamentary permanence of Fanette Charvier, member of the LREM party, the same night. One can read one of them on the website of Attaque. This communiqué therefore provides some details on the attack and its motivations, as well as put an end to the insinuations of journalists as to possible (limited) paint damage on the IMEA business school.

[Translated by Act for Freedom Now]

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