Bite Back / vendredi 2 mai 2014
On April 11, I went to Novéant (France) to release crows (or young rooks), prisoners in traps. In a large trap I found 2 crows who I quickly released. In a small trap, there was also a crow but she was too weak to fly; I think she had muscle wasting, so I brought her home and kept her for a few days in an aviary of 2.5 x 3.5 meters until her wing muscles strengthened.
I destroyed the small trap by jumping on it; it is totally unusable now. The big trap could not be destroyed by hand; I need to return at night with pliers. Here are some pictures from a video that I made. The crow that I recovered regained strength in my aviary with an appropriate diet and fresh water. I released her after 48 hours after tagging and deworming. I shared a photo of the released crow, with a red ring.