Saint-Orens-de-Gameville: Game-Over in Gameville

On the night of July 25 to 26, in Saint Orens de Gameville, we set fire to a cell tower and a fiber optic interconnect node, and tagged “No J.O.” on the tower housing the cables.

There is no Olympic truce. The government’s rhetorical bombardment of appeasement through sport, at both geopolitical and parliamentary levels, is accompanied by military bombardment around the world and a war against populations.

What kind of truce, what kind of appeasement are we talking about? The displacement of the most marginalized populations, the increased police presence in the capital, the development of panoptic surveillance in all directions, based on the installation of new video surveillance cameras and the repressive use of artificial intelligence?

Or the massive transfer of public money to the private sector, a situation which in 2004 ruined Greece and plunged it into financial crisis and austerity.

What kind of truce, too, for the Kanak prisoners deported to French jails, who are denied political autonomy so that our mining companies can continue to gorge themselves on nickel there? We need to secure a place in the sun for the new electric car and green tech markets.

That’s also why we’ve set our sights on a fiber-optic interconnect node, an essential link in the ongoing capitalist restructuring and technological war.

Behind the celebration of athletes running shoulder to shoulder, the bombs of world war are piling up. Behind every sporting smile, a fanged canine; behind every medal, misery and ruin.

The attacks have already started singing against these cynical festivities.
At the stadium as in life, let’s make a move toward resistance.

Some bad sports


Translated by Act for freedom now!

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