Toulouse : Burning of a Tesla electric car, a Socorep vehicle and a Scopelec vehicle

We set fire to three vehicles during the night of June 16th to 17th, an electric car Tesla, a Socorep van and a Scopelec van with fire starters placed under the front wheels or on the rear wheel under the entrance of the gas tank of the vehicles.

– The Tesla because what it is made of comes from the worst extraction conditions in terms of rare earths, rare metals, plastics, metal and it is powered with electricity also produced thanks to the extractivism of uranium. This extractivism maintains many places and people under the neo-colonial dependence of the West while destroying the environment (see books “dossiers noirs” in collaboration with ‘l’association survie’ or other texts speaking of extractivism and neo-colonization).
That’s why this capitalism with a green varnish disgusts us, because it depends like the rest on an exploitation of the world for economic purposes and that its productions are absolutely not recyclable.

– The socorep van because it is a company of big buildings which participates in the extension of the cities and of the civilization while 40 000 houses are unused in Toulouse (only to speak about the houses) for so many people in the street and of sending back people exiled in their country of origin.

– The scopelec van because this company installs telecom networks and especially 5G, which participates in the addiction to technology and the society of the spectacle that puts so many people to sleep. Also this technology will connect more and more everyday objects and will allow an increased surveillance of populations and flows if it is maintained. Let’s cut off its vitality!

We want to put an end to the extension of this sickening civilization.
Let these flames spread and our anarchy with it!

Support with B. charged for the fire of relay antenna.


[Translated by Dark Nights]

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