Paris : Damien Camelio sentenced to 10 months prison

Report of Damien’s trial

Thursday, January 19, 2017, Damien, incarcerated since December 8 and accused of degradations committed during the wild and rampant demonstration of April 14 went on trial in Paris.

About forty people were present in solidarity. Context of immediate appearances mainly of cases of survival and small parallel economy. A young proc with an indigestible vocabulary asks for detention in turn with the banality with which I jump porticos of metros, the notion of obstacle less. A paternalistic judge who in addition to

An ambiance. And not implying that there are any good ones in these

At the time of the reading of the accusations there is agitation in the room. Windows have been broken, Pôle Emploi, Chamber of Commerce, Jaguar, Franprix. Each target stated is followed by a burst of applause. The chief in toge asks Damien if he recognizes the facts. The latter expresses himself clearly, declares that he does not recognize the categories of innocent and guilty, neither the legitimacy of the judge nor justice in general. The hall iresounds with slogans “down with the State, the cops and the bosses”! “Fuck la bac “,”and the judges ” and the procs “. In response he cries “Fuck justice”, the pertubators in the audiences go out, including him.

Finally reinstated in the box, the trial will be held in camera. The proc requests 8 months prison, he gets 10, with holding in detention and 14000 euros damages and interest. We can mention in passing the marasmus of representatives of Pôle Emploi expressing the hope that Damien gets a job on his release (it is well known, if their antennas are attacked throughout France it is in the hope of  seeing them become more effective) and the contained despair of those of Jaguar with respect to the refusal of Extra compensation for Moral damage they estimate to 2000 euros.

After the verdict, rebelliously, one cries out sweet words. “Vive l’anarchie” shouts the comrade before being taken away. “Freedom”, “Down with the state, judges and screws” can be heard in particular in the room.

Let not the State and its henchmen do their dirty work quietly.

Fuck justice, Long live revolt!


[Translated by Act for Freedom Now!]

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