Archives de catégorie : English

Regarding Sainte-Soline

Many of us returned home dejected following the demonstration of Sainte-Soline on March 25th 2023. And yet, upon seeing the media coverage and then the official response of Les Soulèvements de la Terre [The Earth Uprisings Collective], despondency turned to … Continuer la lecture

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Lyon: Down with DETS, long live housing for all

On the night of May 22, we shattered the windows of the DETS, in support of all the people on the streets.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Lyon: Down with DETS, long live housing for all

Castanet-Tolosan (Haute-Garonne) : Oops we did it again !

In the night of 7 to 8th June, we burned two trucks inside the company premises of Jean Lefebvre, subsidiary of Vinci, at Castanet-tolosan.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Castanet-Tolosan (Haute-Garonne) : Oops we did it again !

Lacroisille/Appelle: The series of attacks against the A69 continues

When the world of concrete catches fire again and again On the night of May 23 to 24, a new bonfire sparkled on this grey horizon The IPCC aims to show its presence with the destruction of construction equipment at … Continuer la lecture

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Paris: Graffiti in the metro against the Olympic Games!

It’s now less than 100 days to the Olympic Games 2024 but for some the ‘JO du Zbeul’ have already begun it seems.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Paris: Graffiti in the metro against the Olympic Games!

Labège (Haute-Garonne): Bring the war home

Fire at an antenna in a commercial zone in Labège (Toulouse). The rhetoric of war and the race to rearm are becoming ever more pronounced. War is total. War of occupation, social war, genocide and devastation. Macron is thrilled at … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Labège (Haute-Garonne): Bring the war home

Caen: Kisses (to ASN :)

On 15 April 2024, the internet cabinet of the Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire [Nuclear Safety Authority] (ASN) in Caen was set on fire to take concrete action against nuclear power.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Caen: Kisses (to ASN :)

Let’s put out the flame of the JOP!

Let’s put out the flame of the JOP Call to the mischievous, the jokers and other heretics of the Sport Business The harm caused by the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) no longer needs to be demonstrated as it is … Continuer la lecture

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Chignin: Attack against Tesla

On the outskirts of Chambery, on the night of October 6, 2023. This world is full of cars and machines of all kinds. Some are used to move the techno-bourgeois, like the Tesla cars produced by one of the richest … Continuer la lecture

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Vecqueville (Haute-Marne): The industrial forge cut off from the power grid!

The industrial forge cut off from the power grid! No nuclear revival without Cigéo, no Cigéo without the collaborators! “Identify the collaborators of the nuclear disaster and attack them” reads a letter claiming responsibility for the arson attack on the … Continuer la lecture

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Toulouse: Sabotage of the Toulouse-Narbonne railroad against the A69

In support of opponents of the A69, we sabotaged the Toulouse-Narbonne railway line on the night of February 28-29. The SNCF is following the lead of the neoliberal state, increasingly abandoning the freight system in favor of roads. The aim … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Toulouse: Sabotage of the Toulouse-Narbonne railroad against the A69

Two excavators set on fire in Marseille!

Two excavators set on fire in Marseille! During the week of February 12, in the Cayolle district of Marseille, the carcasses of two burnt-out excavators appeared on a building site. They had been eating away at the hillside for several … Continuer la lecture

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Toulouse: An anarchist comrade arrested on December 20th

Arrested during a demonstration against the pension law on 6 June, he appeared free in court in early July. The comrade was sentenced to 10 months’ probation, 5 years’ protest ban in Occitania, and heavy fines and compensation for the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Toulouse: An anarchist comrade arrested on December 20th

Nancy: Boris convicted on appeal for the fire of two relay antennas

On September 25, 2023, the Nancy Court of Appeal tried again the anarchist comrade Boris (transl. as is customary the word companion is used in the French, which highlights more the sense that everyone is fighting their own struggle), for … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Nancy: Boris convicted on appeal for the fire of two relay antennas

Sassenage: We decided to take action to stop production at the Vicat cement plant

On the night of December 3 to 4, as part of the days of action against Lafarge and the concrete industry, we decided to take action to stop production at the Vicat cement plant in Saint-Egrève.

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Sassenage: We decided to take action to stop production at the Vicat cement plant

Firminy (Loire) and Les Ancizes-Comps (Puy-de-Dôme): Double attack on Aubert et Duval steelworks, supplier to war industries

During the night of November 19th to 20th, we attacked the power supply to two production sites of the Aubert et Duval group: – At Firminy, we sawed through a pylon on the 220kV line supplying the site. It only … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Firminy (Loire) and Les Ancizes-Comps (Puy-de-Dôme): Double attack on Aubert et Duval steelworks, supplier to war industries

Lyon: Three new arrests in the Lafarge case

After two waves of arrests in June, 3 people were arrested this week in connection with the Lafarge case. Early on Tuesday morning, November 28, three people were arrested in connection with the Lafarge case. They were arrested by the … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans English | Commentaires fermés sur Lyon: Three new arrests in the Lafarge case

Around Castres (Tarn): Demonstration, fires, occupation (and eviction) against the freeway project

Excerpts from Reporterre / Saturday, October 21, 2023 […] On October 21, on the outskirts of Saïx, in the Tarn countryside, over 10,500 people – 5,000 according to the prefect’s office – took part in the large-scale mobilization. The aim … Continuer la lecture

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Saint-Bonnet-les-Oules (Loire) : Still nothing?! About…

Still nothing?! About the sabotage of a transformer. At the beginning of November, a few days after the attack, we learned from the press that one of the site’s two technical buildings, with a surface area of 400 m2, had … Continuer la lecture

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Paint Attack on the French consulate in Zurich and a gendarmerie in Alsace

For weeks, the Turkish state has been attacking the revolutionary project of Rojava. The military is bombing civilian infrastructure in order to wear out the population. Simultaneously, in South Kurdistan attacks on guerilla bases are taking place.

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