Grenoble: In solidarity with Boris

In solidarity with Boris, who has been in a coma for a month now following a fire in his cell, an Orange vehicle was set on fire in front of the Orange offices in downtown Grenoble on Sunday night.

Why Orange? Simply because we read the minutes of Boris’ trial, and we saw that Orange, through its lawyer, tried to push our companion to the maximum. Of course the judges, prosecutors and wardens are just as responsible for his situation, but we wanted to start a campaign against Orange, because it is easily within our reach everywhere: slashed tires, broken store windows, tags, burned cars, burned antennas, etc., there is something for everyone who wants to take part in this little campaign, to show that we do not forget Boris and that we think of him, with our heads held high, our hearts burning!

We take advantage of this little communiqué to participate in the debate on anarchist solidarity. For us this solidarity should not be limited to repression, because society has many ways to destroy us, and in all these situations it seems important to us that anarchists support each other, to show that affinity is not just an empty word. Especially since the beginning of the Covid crisis, which has considerably isolated many anarchists. We also wanted to say that solidarity is not only attacking, that there are many ways to express solidarity with the anarchists around us.

We also take the opportunity to express aloud the thorny problem of attack targets, which in the last years have become a common point with fascists/conspis. From antennas (remember that in almost all the antenna burning trials in France Boris was the only person who did not express conspiracy ideas), to vaccination centers. What does this say about current anarchism? And how can we not confuse anarchist acts with conspiracy acts, and why is this important? That leftists have been pounding the pavement hand in hand with fascists/conspis for weeks should alert us to the danger of the idea of common struggle, which means that we don’t care who we struggle with as long as we have the same practices and the same target. We forget that these people whose actions we applaud or with whom we demonstrate have positions opposed to ours on almost everything, and that we would be their target in other contexts.

Full of strength and courage for Boris and his family!

Refractories in solidarity


[Translated by Dark Nights]

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