Smoke signals in spring

On May 19th, after eight months on remand in the prison of Nancy, the State minions will put the anarchist B. on trial for the burning of two relay antennas during the great confinement.
However, as is well known, solidarity is attack, so this is a good opportunity to not leave the comrade alone to face the scoundrels in togas, while continuing the urgent work of demolition of the old world… Salins-les-Bains (Jura), 10 April 2020. While self-confinement is in full swing all over the world, an anarchist climbs the slopes of Mont Poupet. With his ideas and determination he sends the two large relay antennas transmitting the waves of the police, the gendarmerie and mobile phone operators up in smoke, before disappearing back into the night from whence he had come. This is not the only one, by the way, as officially at least 174 antennas have been sabotaged all around the region over the past year, half of them by fire.

And that’s without counting the sabotage of fibre optics or telephone exchanges, and against suppliers of cables and electronic equipment. For a freedom-loving individual to walk under the stars and break the digital chains that connect teleworkers to their exploiters or those who chain dunces at school, and interrupt the flow of technological control, was in itself already unacceptable for power.

But this act is part of a more diffuse and multi-faceted struggle… enough to shake the claws of justice and those of power’s dedicated cell, Oracle. It was the latter which quickly led investigations, supported by Dijon judicial police and the research section of Besançon (gendarmerie), especially as another fire had already destroyed an SFR antenna on mount Brégille in this town. What we can say is that, having found at the foot of the charred pylons some DNA attributed to B., a comrade well known for his subversive ideas, for months they did not skimp on means: tailing and stake-outs run by members of the GIGN who had come specially from the capital, a camera outside a house, GPS placed under various vehicles of people close to him, a request for installation of microphones in an apartment or on a low wall in a public square, IMSI-Catchers to listen to live telephone conversations, while trying to find out if he was using other phones, simultaneous searches in three homes… all this for not much.

Not only did they repeatedly lose sight of the brave anarchist cyclist during their investigation, not only did they have to pronounce a dismissal for him in the end for the Bisontine attack (which probably remains open against x), they have also had to face the facts: b accomplished the destruction of the two emitters of Salins-les-Bains alone, as, moreover, he had clearly taken responsibility for after his arrest on September 22 2020. After imprisoning him in the Nancy-Maxéville prison and placing him under investigation, the judge and colleagues naturally continued their dirty work: refusal of the request for release of B. with electronic bracelet in February, refusal of any non-family visits until the closure of the investigation in March, proposal of the public prosecutor’s office to buy his regrets and penance against a pseudo-reduction of sentence in the form of CRPC (appearance on prior admission of guilt) – which the comrade declined without hesitation –, to finally announce in April his referral to trial on May 19. In this world full of electronic leashes where permanent connectivity supports capitalist and state restructuring, the eyes of the enemies of authority cannot fail to turn to infrastructure such as cell towers and fibre optic traps that are swarming all over the place. Just as they can also take a close look at suppliers and installers of cables, pylons and networks, such as the various Axione (Bouygues), Axians (Vinci), Circet, Constructel, Dorsalys (Eiffage), Nexans, SNEF, Sogetrel or Scopelec, some of which moreover have received warm visits these past months.

Because at a time when the ravages of the industrial system on the planet and on spirits are becoming more and more obvious each day, opposing it with no concession is the least we can do. That is undoubtedly what those who are not resigned to the best of all technological worlds will keep on doing in all seasons… even if it seems that some spring skies are so clear at times they can carry the smoke signals to behind the narrowest of bars.

Solidarity is attack
Freedom for all!

Some anarchists complicit and in solidarity


[Translated by Act for freedom now!]

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