Maubeuge (Nord) : Two SPIP cars set on fire in jail car park

L’Observateur / Friday 11 September 2020

Two vehicles were struck by fire during the night of Thursday September 10 to Friday 11, around 2:30 am, in the parking lot of Maubeuge prison. According to Christophe Muzzolin, of the Force ouvrière pénitentiaire union, this is apparently a voluntary act since “a brick was found inside one of the cars”.These vehicles belong to the Prison service for integration and probation. They were parked in the parking lot reserved for personnel of the establishment.

For Christophe Muzzolin, this is no more and no less than a “sign of pressure. It is to tell the personnel that if we can’t reach them inside, we can get them outside “.For several months, the trade unionist has been urging his management to “secure the whole domain. Today it is like going into a mill “. His aim: that those entering the prison area be checked beforehand, along the Assevent road, with the installation of barriers and fencing, as well as cameras.


[Translated by Act for freedom now!]

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