Cerisy-la-Forêt: Hunting towers smashed down

We’ve counted around twenty vandalized tree stands in the forest of Cerisy-la-Forêt (Manche), but there may be more,” says Quentin Canuet, hunting manager and forestry technician at the West Normandy territorial unit of the Office national des forêts (ONF). Unbolted or even broken, some fifteen watchtowers were vandalized in a single weekend, just a few days before the third day of stalking hunting, held on Thursday December 12.

“I always take a look at the plot we were planning to hunt a few days beforehand. This has enabled us to repair some of the defective stands and modify the plot a little”, he explains. Although this new hunting method required the installation of 150 tree stands in the forest, which are permanently present for logistical reasons, the ONF considers that they are hardly visible to walkers and that they contribute to a better sharing of the forest between different users. […]


Translated by Unoffensive Animal

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